Recently Marianna Hovhannisyan launched a new video shot "Du". Her look amazed me. She was different; good different, I mean terrific different. Though they took me by surprise, from the very seconds I watched the video, I knew it was Manch. He did a really great job in here. Watch yourself.
Hi there, I am hannah. Everything you need to know about me is that I am a big Manch Style admirer :) So let's proceed with the blog. As you already guessed it's dedicated to this young, very talented designer, Manch (Manuk Alexanyan); mostly his art of fashion and why not personal life (for as much as he would share :). So why would my blog interest you among so many, it's because I possess information on the first hand stand. So enjoy yourselves and you are welcome to leave your comments.
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nice!!! I like her look in this video =)